I can't seem to manage working fulltime, TRYING to keep up with my scrapbooking and craft projects, continuing to work at the 'Doodle, occasionally Facebook-ing AND still find time to update my blog. So, I have neglected my blog for just about a year now, and I thought I would at least ATTEMPT to post something..... So here goes....
I'm posting a picture of a Cricut card I made the other night, and I will try to update my blog with more of my Cricut creations. I will be hosting a "Cricut Clinic" at Whimsodoodle once a month to help Cricut newbies come to love their machine as much as I love mine. Plus, Bob and I have some travel plans coming up - a trip to Venice (Italy - NOT Florida), and then he's off gallavanting (sp?) around the world for a good part of the Fall, leaving me free to attend Cricut swarms, crops, retreats, etc....
So, thanks for your patience.... and I'll be back with updates - I promise, more regularly than every 9 months.....